A little on what we do
Our service is to create a personalised movie memory for you using your photos and videos from years gone by through to the most recent of times all put together in a professional way accompanied by the music of your choice.
This is how it all works.
Firstly you securely send us your printed photos in a box that we provide. We scan the photos and convert them to a digital format. We also collect from you any digital photos that you want to include from an external drive/dongle or a download. We can also use video clips and add them in to the movie so your DVDs or VHS tapes are also needed at this stage and are sent to us in the box provided. Digital video clips need to be included on the same external drive/dongle as your digital photos or be able to be downloaded from Dropbox, Google drive or any other online source. We enhance the photos and video the best we can.
During the next stage all of your material is added to a storyline. There are three options for you to choose as follows:
Option 1 : Random Order : The movie is produced using your supplied material in a random order. You can still add text lines to pictures if required but the order will be random. You could choose a picture that you would like to start and end with. We think that random works best because it keeps the movie interesting and doesn't have all one event such a wedding or a particular holiday followed by another.
Option 2: Customer Specified Order: This involves a lot more work for you the customer. Every photo and video clip can be displayed in the movie in a particular order. Each one would need to be numbered by you and recorded on our order form before sending it in.That could include an order made up of paper photos, vhs clips, dvd clips, digital photos and digital video. All of these different sources would have to be clearly labelled in an order on the order form.
Option 3: Group your photos: This involves you specifying the photos and videos that you want in each group, first, second, third, forth etc. You tell us which photos you want in each group we will randomly show them in the movie within that group. This method can be useful if you want to separate the movie in to differing time slots in someones life such as childhood, teenage years, twenties to thirties, becoming parents and grandparents etc. Obviously it is entirely up to you how the groups are labelled and how many of them there are. If you use this method we can add chapters for you so you will be able to play a chosen chapter from the DVD.
Next we purchase all the music that you have requested.
The movie then starts to come to life using creative software, movement is added to your still photos together with transitions, music and text titles where requested. Putting all of this together produces the final result of your movie memory. This creative process usually takes us 3 to 5days depending on the chosen package and option.
The movie is then compressed and uploaded to YouTube, usually an over night process. Once uploaded you are supplied with a link by us so that you can view your movie. Once you have viewed it and are pleased with the result we prepare your finished product in the formats that you have chosen from our menu packages such a burning DVDs, adding the Movie Memory, converted digital photos and videos to a dongle and uploading the movie to Dropbox, Google Drive etc.
Finally we securely post your new DVD and your original photos, VHS tapes, DVDs, hard drives/ dongles back to you.
All that's left to do is for to enjoy your movie memory with your family and friends.
Please contact us for further details or questions about any aspects of the service.