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Helping with memories and much more

Over the past few years the parents of a few close friends of mine have sadly been diagnosed with Dementia. In all of these cases the parent was cared for at home until such time that the family member being the full time carer was unable to cope and the loved one moved to a nursing home.

During the time at the family home the demands of being a full time carer left very little breathing space during the day just for routine tasks like housework. My friends asked me if a movie could be made for their parent to include lots of old photos, video clips and favourite songs that would occupy them for an hour or so and at the same time bring them some happiness. This is when I first made a movie specifically for someone with dementia or memory problems. The person it was made for and family and friends enjoyed the movie repeatedly. 

More recently I have personal experience, as my Dad who has been living with Vascular Dementia for some time reached a stage where he needed to be looked after in a nursing home. After moving to the home it became apparent to me when visiting that the residents lounge was full of ladies and gentlemen who like my Dad had lived long and full lives but who through their illness had lost some of their individuality to varying degrees.  My Dad aged 87 has achieved many things in business and family. He has travelled to many countries, raised four sons and has nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I’m sure that many of the fellow residents at his home have also led interesting lives through their family, work, hobbies, travel etc and all have something worth remembering.

Another problem I found when visiting my Dad was that sometimes it would be hard to keep a conversation going. I would think of as many things as I could that had happened and that I could talk about since my last visit but often all these topics were used up within five minutes of arriving.

I decided to make a movie memory for my Dad. I looked up lots of old pictures and video clips and put them together with his favourite songs from his era that would provoke an association for him with a happy memory.  Now when visiting I play the movie on the TV in the residents lounge. Everyone seems to enjoy the songs and some residents have commented on the photos and clips as they are watching.

For my Dad and I, we now have good conversations about the movie. I believe that it gives him confidence to talk about what he is seeing from the past whether that is a place, event, friend or family member. He is happy to talk about it, which is important.

Both my parents have really enjoyed watching the movie and benefited from it. That alone has confirmed to me that ‘Happiness is Something Remembered”. For my Mum who is now 84 and often feels down about being old, it enabled her to remember all the wonderful things that she had done in her life and gave her a sense of achievement, purpose and optimism. 

Finally a brief mention about funerals and wakes.  Sadly some friends have had a parent pass away recently and in the short time before the funeral they have asked me to put together a movie to be played at the wake. This has been achieved but in a fairly tight timescale. The family and those attending the occasion have been pleased to see a movie memory of their loved one’s life but I believe that it is far better for the person who the movie is about to also see it before they leave us.

If you would like to see all or part of the movie memory that I made for my Dad  or some other examples please see below.

Movie Memory

Movie Memory

Movie Memory
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