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Mrs G

Thank you so much for the dvd, its made such a difference. When all the family visits mum, we play it and she tells everyone all about the times and places and she sings along with the music. Really fantastic 

Mr S 

The movie memory is great we have really enjoyed watching it and reminiscing about all the good times we have had over the years. You put it together so well what a great idea I will be telling my friends.

Mrs W

The dvd was brilliant we played it at the church and reception all of my dad's family and friends were talking about it. I only wish I had done it before dad passed so he could have watched it with us.  Thank you for getting it done in such short notice.

Mrs H

Great movie memory all the family watched it together. I gave my sister in Australia the link you sent and she loved it. I now put it on when I doing the housework I sing along with the songs and glance up at the screen every now and then and smile. Thank you.  

Mrs J

I sit John in front of the T.V press play on the dvd and you see the emotion in his face as he watches, he sings a little and taps away to the music. I found it a little emotional at first but I have come to realise we did a lot in our lives and for that we should be thankful.    

Movie Memory

Movie Memory

Movie Memory
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Valerie & John1931 to 2018

Valerie & John1931 to 2018

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Thomas Lond-Caulk 1935 -  2018

Thomas Lond-Caulk 1935 - 2018

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Snowmen through the years 2005 to 2012 seasons

Snowmen through the years 2005 to 2012 seasons

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